News What we have to look forward as B2B marketers in our semiconductor industry 2021 is now running. What we have to look forward as B2B marketers in our…Julie Jacquotfévrier-25, 2021
News Cheers to a new year and new business goals! After a 2020 year very sadly special, cheers to a new year and new business…Julie Jacquotjanvier-21, 2021
News But together we managed to adapt, not to suffer and to move forward This year has been chaotic for all of us, requiring us to learn to live…Julie Jacquotdécembre-22, 2020
News We rely more heavily on semiconductor-enabled technology to find the solution Writing this note, I'm trying to imagine what kind of marketing will emerge, for all…Julie Jacquotnovembre-17, 2020
News In B2B, it is digital marketing that keeps us afloat In troubled times as we are currently experiencing, particularly in B2B, it is digital marketing…Julie Jacquotoctobre-13, 2020
News The digital world is now at the forefront and the recovery of our economy is underway This month of September 2020 is different from other years for the whole planet. The…Julie Jacquotseptembre-4, 2020
News The signal is strong and reminds us that we all must be responsible We must admit the inevitable... The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas - first…Julie Jacquotaoût-18, 2020
News Let us trust Europe to find the most appropriate answers What is the global environment in semiconductors in mid-year? In the first four months of…Julie Jacquotjuillet-15, 2020