At BNB markets, our commitment is to guide semiconductor industry players with reports, whether generic or tailored to their specific needs, that promote market understanding and facilitate strategic decision-making within the company. We take pride in nurturing long-term successful relationships with our clients, ensuring they remain on the fast track to success in the ever-evolving semiconductor landscape.


Quantum Landscape 2025

The future of quantum technologies is promising, with several key trends and expectations. Efforts are underway to develop modular quantum computers that can scale by connecting multiple processors. Significant progress is also expected in error correction, making quantum computers more reliable and practical for real-world applications. Additionally, global collaboration in quantum research will accelerate advancements and standardize technologies. Quantum technologies hold the potential to transform industries and solve some of the most challenging problems facing humanity.

The quantum technology marketplace is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 13 percent, expanding from a total market value of US$750 million in 2022 to US$1.2 billion by 2025. This report aims to assist executives and marketers by providing a concise understanding of market segments such as quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum cryptography. It lists various players and their respective strategies, offering a broader perspective for the coming years.

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At BNB markets, our commitment is to guide semiconductor industry players with reports, whether generic or tailored to their specific needs, that promote market understanding and facilitate strategic decision-making within the company. We take pride in nurturing long-term successful relationships with our clients, ensuring they remain on the fast track to success in the ever-evolving semiconductor landscape.


ITF World 2025

Antwerp, Belgium

ITF World on May 20 and 21st, 2025. The semiconductor industry’s collaborative success is one of the most inspiring stories of the past decades. It followed a compelling script of chip scaling for persistent improvements in terms of power, performance, area, and cost. The innovations it enabled have transformed every aspect of our lives. That story is nowhere near its end.

Tackling system scaling challenges on the fronts of power, heat, memory, and compute requires combined technology, system and circuit research. Continued transistor scaling will go hand in hand with approaches such as advanced optical and electrical interconnects. New compute solutions for AI are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, enabling more efficient and powerful AI applications. Catalyzed by initiatives such as the worldwide Chips Acts, these core innovations will move to the market much quicker than before – powering AI-enabled applications in domains such as automotive, health, consumer products, and many more.
Imec Technology Forum World will put you in a front-row seat to catch up on this next act of digital transformation.

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Electronica 2024

Munich, Germany

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SIDO 2024

Lyon, France

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Antwerp, Belgium

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SIDO 2023

Lyon, France

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Antwerp, Belgium


PCIM Europe 2023

Nuremberg, Germany


CMC Conference 2023

Austin TX, USA

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SIDO 2022

Lyon, France

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